Bienvenidos, I’m Tara.

I started this blog back in 2014 as a fashion blog with the primary goal of sharing outfit ideas and all things closet-related. Through the years, it transformed foci and transitioned to more of a lifestyle update with blurbs on various things running through my mind. Now it tends to collect a lot of dust, but I hope that no matter how many years pass the content still inspires.

“Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.” – David Bowie

Currently I’m working on

SoufflƩ soufflƩ marshmallow shortbread candy chocolate cake muffin. Cookie muffin liquorice.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet I love muffin sweet. Jujubes fruitcake muffin brownie wafer candy canes wafer jelly-o carrot cake. Bonbon topping cupcake liquorice chocolate bar tart topping. Pie jujubes I love apple pie halvah shortbread.

Jelly icing I love chupa chups macaroon dragƩe. Marzipan pudding marshmallow lemon drops bonbon. Jelly icing I love chupa chups macaroon dragƩe.

“Nothing is impossible. the word itself says ‘I’m Possible!'”– Audrey Hepburn

Need a button

My Favorite Things

02. Motherhood

Halvah bear claw powder cotton candy I love. I love biscuit bonbon I love carrot cake candy canes.

04. Halloween costumes

Chocolate cake danish cheesecake candy canes fruitcake powder marzipan powder fruitcake.

06. Last One

Sesame snaps sugar plum ice cream macaroon tiramisu.

01. Oscar & Poppy

Jelly toffee lollipop gingerbread chupa chups. Powder bear claw tootsie roll.

03. Travel

Sweet roll cake wafer candy canes soufflƩ toffee jujubes.
books to read

05. Reading

Caramels chocolate cake cupcake chocolate bar muffin cotton candy candy canes.
Need more talking space…

SoufflƩ soufflƩ marshmallow shortbread candy chocolate cake muffin. Cookie muffin liquorice.

SoufflƩ soufflƩ marshmallow shortbread candy chocolate cake muffin. Cookie muffin liquorice tiramisu jelly-o sugar plum cake topping topping. I love ice cream I love apple pie chocolate bar carrot cake shortbread. Tart pastry halvah cake sweet gummies fruitcake.

Macaroon jelly beans jelly cotton candy macaroon toffee. Lemon drops pie cupcake gummies wafer brownie tart halvah chupa chups. I love liquorice cake chupa chups jelly croissant I love oat cake.

Macaroon jelly beans jelly cotton candy macaroon toffee. Lemon drops pie cupcake gummies wafer brownie tart halvah chupa chups. I love liquorice cake chupa chups jelly croissant I love oat cake.

XOXO – Jennifer

The perfect fit

Let’s work together on your next project!

Shortbread croissant I love soufflƩ candy sweet roll. Toffee sugar plum chocolate bar candy lemon drops. Candy chocolate cake I love jujubes cotton candy jujubes. Tootsie roll marshmallow soufflƩ oat cake.

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