Eight Tips to Beat the Blues

ā€œThe rain to the wind said,
You push and I’ll pelt.’
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged–though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.ā€
ā€•Ā Robert Frost

You can never go wrong with a little Robert Frost.

I’m dusting off this piece (it was one of the first few I wrote in the early days of the blog, so cute right? While the weather is different (sunny & hot) now than it was nearly two years ago when I originally wrote this post .. I think the content applies nonetheless. I’ve been finding myself a little dim this week, like the light in my candle was snuffed somehow. We’ve talked about my struggles with depression a few times now, but this is just a little more exhaustion I think than depression. I was fixing up the SEO in some old posts and ran into this one – and thought a-hah! This is exactly what I need! And I particularly love the line above the refers to some rain-trodden flowers: they may look lifeless but in fact, they’re just waiting for the sun. Quite fitting don’t you think?

August 2016: It’s been raining for nearly a week here in Dallas. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the rain.. the sound, the calm, and especially the smell of rain. I will say though, my soul responds to sunshine and I find myself feeling particularly gloomy in the absence of its warm glow. I could definitely never live in Seattle (even though it’s beautiful). When I begin noticing the rainy day blues creeping in, I reach into my bag of tricks to bring myself out of my proverbial funk.

Now reflecting on this – these tips are perfect for any day you need a little bit of a lift in spirit.



Surround yourself with friends and loved ones: Ā dinner dates and wine time with my gal pals filled with chatter and giggles is therapeutic beyond measure.

Hot tea and a new book

I’m a total sucker for tasty teas, Teavana or Harney & Sons (cinnamon spice) is dangerous for me.. My tea cabinet is seriously stuffed. I brew a mug …or five and curl up with a new book, usually purchased on my Kindle but sometimes paperback.Ā There’s something to be said about having a real page-turner in your hands. Also, I belong to Hello Book Lover, have you guys heard of it? I LOVE it! It’s a monthly book club, Ā you’re given an option of two books to choose from or let it be a surprise! They also send a few adorable little trinkets themed with your book. So fun! Check them out!Ā Hello Book Lover

Exercise & Endorphins

I grew up in ballet slippers, literally. From the age of two, I was in ballet class all day every day. Up until a few years ago, I still danced regularly, even venturing to New York City for summer intensives with the Joffrey Ballet Company and American Ballet Theater. Ballet will forever have my heart. Unfortunately, I have the knees of an old woman now and have found a new love for pilates, yoga and non-impactful cardio. Endorphins are seriously understated when it comes to mood improvement and feeling like you’re on top of the world!

Pamper yourself

Rainy days or days off (or take a personal day because.. self love yall) are purrfect for primping when you’re already stuck indoors or feeling like a lump on a log. Fresh nails always seem to set me right. I find it hard to go anywhere else besidesĀ Miniluxe.Ā Their cleanliness and sanitation standards are seriously comparable to my operating rooms, which is incredible. No more recycled jacuzzi water for these tootsies!

Bubble baths

Because, is there any argument? I grab a good book, some good tunes, a glass of wine, some smelly good candles, a bath bomb and tune out the worries of the world (I won’t disclose the degree of pruniness I’ve reached before.)

Movie dates

Whether you like to go to the movies in groups, or you’re one of those people who loves to go alone (props to you) I love movies! I’m also a shameful Netflix binger. The shows Netflix is churning out lately are KILLIN’ it! What are some of your favorite shows?Ā I’m also known to throw on Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek or Game of Thrones to feed my girl geek status. And..Ā let’s be honest, sometimes we all just need a good cry to refresh/restart/reboot. Totally did that the other night with Patch Adams.. tears upon tears.

Rearranging the furniture

When I was a teenager and couldn’t sleep, I would rearrange my bedroom. Now, I apply the habit to the entire house. Sometimes rearranging things just feels like a fresh start, only with a new perspective. I get in these crazy nesting moods and go through room by room (including closets) and revive the look, usually feeling the effect carry over into my mood. I recently did this in my closets and now have boat loads of clothes to take to donate/Buffalo Exchange.


Lastly, when I’m feeling blue, I sit and take account of the countless blessings present in my life. Sometimes I write it all down – make a list of the positives and things I’ve accomplished. At the end of the day, I know all thingsĀ come and go, and we are truly blessed.

And if all else fails – I turn to some online shopping and shamelessly find myself some new garments and envision some place fabulous to wear them. What do you turn to when your days are blue?

Speaking of beating the blues.. how about a ticket to anywhere?

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  1. I seriously needed to read this today! I’ve been struggling a lot lately with feeling really down and stressed, and I needed the reminder that there ARE good things to enjoy even in difficult seasons of life. Thank you so much for sharing!

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  3. Good site you’ve got here.. Itā€™s difficult to find quality writing like yours these days. I truly appreciate individuals like you! Take care!!

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