Gettin’ Pretty with ECRU New York | A Beauty Review

As a lady who loves big hair, big lashes and vibrant lips – I am absolutely thrilled to bring you three products from my friends at ECRU New York. I’m always on the hunt for great products in a world swimming with variety and endless possibilities. So let’s go cherry pickin’ shall we?

Dry Texture Spray

Trying to maintain curl and volume in the Dallas weather, particularly in the summer heat and humidity, can be tricky at best. When I shoot with my photographer, I tend to maximize time (for both of us) and shoot multiple outfits. By the end of the shoot my curls usually end up looking like a limp noodle. In this shoot however, I switched it up and used the dry texture spray before I left home. This is outfit 4 of 5 and inĀ extremeĀ humidity I might add, those curls are looking mighty fine. What I love about this spray is that you don’t feel like you’re wearing a helmet after applying – in fact – it feels entirely weightless. I despise crispy hairsprays, especially since I don’t wash my hair more than twice a week. AND – this spray doubles as a dry shampoo, bonus! I took this spray with me to France where the climate wasn’t near as humid and equally loved how it behaved.

Velvet Air Lipstick

If you’ve followed me on Instagram or read my blog for long, you know IĀ loveĀ me a bold lipstick. I’m actually wearing the lipstick in these photos in shade Brick City. The product applies smoothly and effortlessly with a moisturizing feel. The overall look is a matte finish. My one suggestion is applying twice for a more rich color – when I applied once it wasn’t quite the color effect I wanted. After applying twice, I wore the lipstick throughout the day without having to reapply – truly impressive. I also didn’t have a chapped lip feeling which some matte lippies tend to give me, also a plus. The lipstick currently comes in ten lovely shades.

Runway Lash Amplifying Mascara

Mascaras are always tricky for me. It’s like the story of Goldilocks. Too clumpy, too dull, not enough wow. I also have a difficult time finding a mascara that doesn’t imprint below my lash line, making it look like I’ve been crying. This product offers the benefit of argan oil to both condition and protect your lashes while beautifying at the same time. I do wear lashes up top but I apply mascara to the lashes after applying and apply to my bottom lashes as well for a more dramatic and voluminous look. Personally I think mascara is a very individualized look – some prefer more, some prefer less, some wear it on the bottom and some don’t. So for me – I applied a couple coats on the bottom for the effect I wanted but was pleased with the texture and overall product. Zero clumps I might add and with a defining brush that catches the finest little lashes.

If I had to pick a favorite product – I’d go with the spray – after all, I have yards of hair that need taming – but they are all fantastic products. Makeup and beauty products are wonderful to play around with. I love creating new looks, amplifying and refining a go-to look, and discovering new products. What are some of your favorite products?


ECRU New York Review

Catch my last post? Find it here.

Photography by Megan Weaver

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  1. Mascara has always been tricky for me too. Mostly because I experience a lot of smudging on the outer corners because the lashes in that area point downward due to the shape of my eye and how hooded they are.

    I love a bold lip and big lashes too! And your dress and shoes are so cute.

  2. I should definitely try the texture spray! I keep my hair curly during the summer and don’t like to wash it more than twice a week either. By the third day, I need more definition!

  3. Indeed yes. women do not escape from the dazzling appearance and coupled with the support of beauty from the physical side. This means that in addition to caring for hair, lips, face, and so forth also memperhatika other health. It is realized or not, without a strong health, then the beauty will be missed. For that need to maintain health for beauty remains fascinating..

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