It’s Wear Red Day!

It’s officially February (*cough my birthday month) but more importantly it’s Heart Month! Did anyone else feel like January lasted 365+ days? Man that was a long one and yet I spent most of it rather sedentary and not doing all the things I’m going to talk about this month – oops. Do as I say – not as I do, right?

I reviewed a few heart health facts, specifically related to strokes back in November for World Stroke Day. Today we’ll review the history behind Wear Red Day and how you can spread the message in partnership with American Heart Association and AHA North Texas!

wear red day

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So what is Wear Red Day?

Friday, February 7th is National Wear Red Day! It’s a day designated by the American Heart Association for all of us to take the opportunity to join together, coast to coast, to promote the message of heart health, how to be the healthiest versions of ourselves, and the implications of cardiovascular disease.

The annual celebration began in 1963 to encourage Americans to collectively fight the battle against heart disease. A presidential proclamation pays tribute each year to the indescribable efforts of researchers, physicians, public health professionals and volunteers for their roles in preventing, treating and researching heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S

The movement not only focuses on heart health as a nation, but also within local communities. Many cities and local associations hold free screenings and heart health awareness events – so be on the look out or research those opportunities within your own neighborhood, whether it be for you or for others you know who might benefit!

There’s also a specific Go Red for Women movement that only focuses on highlighting how cardiovascular disease targets women and what we can do to combat the disease. While we as humans all can suffer from cardiovascular disease and it’s trickle down effects on the body – it’s one of the highest CAUSES OF DEATH amongst women. The disease kills 1 IN 3 women, that’s a THIRD of all mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts – loved ones! It causes more deaths than cancer, accidents, and even diabetes COMBINED.

The Go Red for Women movement no longer is JUST about wearing red or JUST about spreading the message: it’s a collective commitment to empower each other and make the steps necessary to optimizing our livelihoods. So LET’S DO IT!

Red Outfit Inpsiration

To participate in Wear Red Day you can wear a little red or a LOT – it’s totally up to you. I bought a little red dress pin from the AHA store to sport in addition to my outfit. It’s a little flare that goes a long way to spread the message and the proceeds fund research!

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A Few More Facts

The more you know..

  • Did you know cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, valvular disease, hypertension/high blood pressure, high cholesterol —> coronary artery disease, arrhythmias), kills one woman every 80 seconds?
  • Knowing your family history is a key ingredient to treating, beating and preventing heart disease and stroke.
  • Know your five key personal health numbers (Total Cholesterol, HDL (good) Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI) – they can help you determine your risk for cardiovascular disease and others.
  • Heart disease and stroke IS NOT just a manā€™s disease.
  • To learn more visit:
  • More information on what it means to go red:
  • Tag yourselves (and me, I want to see your posts!) on social media (and look for your own local hashtags!) Wear Red Day hashtags: #wearredday #goredforwomen #dallasgored

Stay tuned for another heart health post next week – and until then, be well.

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  1. What a great movement! I had no idea heart diseases killed so many women. So sad. I’m all for wearing red and raising awareness for this though!

  2. I’ve been wearing red for the past several days, so I guess tomorrow I’ll just keep it going! It’s so great that you’re shedding light on this. I’m constantly grateful for how your career (and just your heart for others) influences what you talk about on your blog!

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