Monday Musings: A Letter to my Husband – an Anniversary Note

To my beloved,

It is well known that love is patient, and love is kind – but we can attest to patience on an entirely different scale. Spending 6 years of marriage spanning states, oceans, and countries apart have tested us to the brink of tears, smiles, and sometimes to the point of breaking completely.

Love is kind but you are kinder. You have seen me in moments beyond what I would call my worst and yet you love me past my own capabilities of comprehension. You have picked me up after every tumble and patched every scrape.

People often tell me I talk about you with such high regard – and I do because it’s true. I’ve yet to meet another man so selfless and so steadfast. Despite the incredible changes I have experienced in the last 6 years, here you are and here you stay.

I used to always consider the “fight” for someone to be the most intriguing..but the more I ponder relationships and marriages, the more I admire the beauty of working to keep someone. Even on the most stubborn of days – you persist in loving me without hesitation. You accept my flaws, all the obvious and the hidden, and strive to grow together instead of apart.

Often times I wonder how we’ve survived the past 6 years with the multitude of challenges constantly hurdled in our paths, and then I smile because I know without a doubt the future shines brighter than ever before. There is such strength in overcoming struggle – knowing it has fortified our relationship instead of destroying it.

At last we find ourselves in the same state and shaping a future that involves one roof – and I simply can’t wait. Normally I’m wishing for time to pause or slow – but in this instance I keep wanting to fast forward to this next year and all of the wonderful surprises ahead.

For the man that you are, the father that you will be, the husband you continue to be –Ā thank you.

ily – Past the moon and the stars.


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  1. This is one of the most beautiful note I have read. You are both lucky to have each other and look perfect together! Happy Anniversary <3

  2. You are fortunate and it’s great that you recognize it. It takes two hands to clap- we all should remember to look within and fix ourselves first.

  3. An appreciation letter. I love it and I hope your hubby does. It’s difficult when life goes through daily toll for us to constantly stay in love, but once in a while, the little pampering… I hope they enjoyed it!

  4. Babe, I am speechless. What you wrote is beautiful and I loved it. I am not nearly the wordsmith that you are…and I have trouble expressing myself the way you so effortlessly can. Things have been difficult for us as every marriage has it’s obstacles but I’m here for the long haul and I love you with all of my heart PTMATS.

  5. Happy Anniversary!! Your written is so beautiful and lovely. I really like it. , I wish you have many more happy years together

  6. (Belated) Happy Anniversary and what a blessing to have a relationship like this, full of mutual love, respect, and admiration. Beautifully written! I am also blessed to have this kind of marriage – now – on the third try! My hubby and I have been together for almost 15 years, married for almost 12. Keeping the lines of communication open and supporting one another through the ups and downs are so important!

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