Worth the Wait


Warmest greetings and salutations!

This blog has been a long time coming.. I know. They say the best things in life are worth waiting for, right? Let me take the opportunity now to thank Megan Elliott @lushtoblush for creating this amazing site for me. You guys, I was nearly pulling hair out trying to create a site on my own. Heart transplants, I can manage that. Website design, however.. not my forte. So again, thank you a MILLION!

The Daiquiri Diaries was fashioned as a creative outlet to document my undying love for fashion. We won’t discuss the portion of my paychecks allotted to my clothing budget. But we will discuss my affection for clothes and showcasing oneself via outfits!

I am always floored when women compliment my outfit but reply with the “I could never pull that off.”

EW, Ick, Yuck!

The goal of this blog, above all, is to make YOU feel beautiful (insert Bruno Mars) and hopefully create the unwavering confidence that anyone can wear anything with the right amount of self love.

I am so excited to start this venture, thank you all for joining with me!

Photo credit: Megan Weaver


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